Thursday, July 22, 2010

This is not a monkey

What is a blog really? It sounds like something you might step into by accident walking down the street.

My name is J.M. Gatewood - or so that's what I was raised to believe - and I have reiki masters in my massage therapy class. Reiki, for those of you who don't know, is a palm healing practice where practitioners believe that they are transferring healing energy in the form of ki through the palms. Yeah, I never heard of it before either. When they perform, they kind of remind me of the people I use to see at my old church growing up; with their eyes closed and their palms pressed up against a person in need of some healing. I wonder if there's a connection between the two? I can't say too much more without getting a reiki into my labs for some experiments.

Well, to-day in class, my teacher came in the room with a frozen jug of juice, and he was shaking it up trying to break the icebergs up a little bit. I said something along the lines of "why don't you just melt the juice by reiki-ing it?" And he got all starry eyed and said "that might work!" So next thing I know, there are two reiki's sitting on the floor with their eyes closed palming a jug of juice. I half expected the juice to start boiling.

Then another teacher came in to talk to my teacher and she just stopped and watched with a funny look on her face. I whispered "that was my idea." And she said "hi" and then MY teacher looked up and smiled and the other teacher said authoritatively "when you're done doing whatever you're doing to that orange juice, I would like to have a word with you in private." The class laughed. As well they should. It was hilarious.

Meanwhile, scientists have found the missing link. It manifested in Germany as a 47-million year old fossil. It's not a link between apes and humans; it's a link between apes and lemurs. Or rather, it's a link between bigger monkeys and smaller monkeys. National Geographic makes it sound as though the link between humans and apes has already been established and that our ancestry with LEMURS is what was under question this whole time. Strange. The article about "Ida" is here.

As far as the link to man and ape - I just looked it up. It's a homo habilis found in South Africa from two million years ago. I hope that these scientists in all their excitement remembered to check and make sure they weren't mutation freaks.

And that's to-day for you, so remember kids: Unlimited Infinite Possibility!

--J.M. Gatewood
Probability Significator

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